I got my name engraved on the case and it is perfect ! Really love it
I love my Diavy case, Keeps everything together and safe. One thing I would love to see is an AirTag mount as I have just stuck one to the outside but would love to see an official one colour matched to my case.
Super! Genau das Richtige für unterwegs, im Restaurant und Arbeit. Diskret und passt in (fast) jede Tasche.
Fits both my insulin pens, ease of finding pens in handbag and the sharp bin small enough to carry in handbag when away for a few days.
Nice font, easy to read, not to bold (data protection :-) ), perfect.
I like everything about the DIAVY Pen & Needle case. Well designed, stable, perfect for short travel (or longer, of you carry your needles separately). The handling is easy, but safe.
Diese Idee der kostenlosen Kanülenbehälter ist top. Man weiß nie, wie man unterwegs diese entsorgen soll. Tolle supertolle Idee.
I was a bit on the fence about ordering because of the price to be honest , but after taking the plunge and ordering as my pervious case a material one has fallen apart I haven’t looked back , I have been using my diavy case for almost two weeks now and its far more convenient and sturdy , my novopen is very secure in it as are my needles and it’s so easy to carry around in my jeans or joggers pocket and a lot less bulky than my pervious case , this product is a 10/10 everything about it has been well designed
It is a simple and excellent case for injection and needles. Service was excellent too when the website wasn’t working properly.
I find the device awesome as I am often away and it makes things so much easier to store and keep together.
Excellent product. Exactly what I wanted.
I am happy with pen and needle case engraved with my name on it.
I recently purchased the pen and needle case and it is much better than using the cloth cases provided with the pens. I may purchase a second one and personalised it to say what type of insulin it carries.
I was wondering whether the designers have considered the sharps bin as an attachment to the bottom of the pen case and also something at the top of the needle holder, that slides open, you place the new needle into it and it holds it while you screw the insulin pen into it so the needle is attached to the pen, which could help people who have a hard time using their hands to screw the needle to the pen.
Just my thoughts for the future. But either way, I think this product is great!